Tag Archives: kelli petersen

Crafty Goods 3/21/2014

Crochet Flowers

It’s Crafty Goods! Here’s some fun stuff I found to share with you this week!
-Are you familiar with Leonie Dawson? She is a self help author/artist/hippy who has also evolved into an entrepreneur + philanthropist with a half a million dollar company. In her blog this week, she shared a concept I needed to hear – “What you do in the world is needed”.
It’s something we all need to hear! So if you’re feeling uninspired or off track…this could be a good boost!
-I’m super excited to see what’s in the works of my friend Anne Franklin, of Anne Franklin Designs, and her collaboration for BrainyCrafts! Check it out!
-Denver area peeps! Naomi is moving to Indonesia and she wants you to take some of her stash off her hands! Sale is Mar. 22 from 8am-3pm and Mar. 23 from 9am-2pm at 7995 E. Mississippi Ave., A18 Denver, CO  80247 Here’s her Flickr page for just a sample of the goods
-The Aurora Arts Festival’s theme this year is Recycle Upcycle! If you’re a crafter or artisan that uses recycled or upcycled materials, this is the party for you! Hit up their website for info! But do it fast! They have limited spaces for you darlings!
-My amazing friend Kelli from Bitter O’Clock has an e-book for crafty types called, “Tax Tips for Crafty Businesses”.
If you need some help, take a peek here and then shower Kelli with love because she’s offering it FOR FREE!
-Looks like they are still accepting folks for the Denver Mini Maker Faire – Hustle your bunz if you want in!
-This weekend at Share Denver there is all kinds of good stuff happening! Denver Craft Ninjas are teaching a paper marbling class and Risa is teaching a pearl and metal bracelet! Come hang out at Share Denver and learn something new for heaven’s sake! And next week there’s even more! Katrina’s The Art of Risottos, Gratins, & Classic Sauces, Pom Pom Mobiles with Lili, Melamine Bird Feeders with me (and I don’t even like birds!), Chainmail Amulet Bag with Risa, and Craft Your Blog with Sara from Meanest Look!
-How amazing is this art installation by Beili Liu? It’s called The Mending Project and it so stunning and overwhelming. 
Spring is here! FINALLY! And I’m feeling it! New inspiration, positivity, and an urge to create!
What’s floating your boat, Ninjas? Share in the comments or hit me up on Facebook and fill me in!

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Filed under Craftin' Around Town, Crafty Goods, Markets!, Monthly Project, Ninja Events, Staying Creative

Sea Pennies – February Project!

Denver’s got so many TALENTED people milling around and we’re so darn lucky to know them!

One of those people is Kelli Petersen of Bitter o’Clock!
Bitter o’Clock is a rockin’ crochet outfit that makes the best hats out there. And Kelli is a crochet maven! She is a speedy craftin’ mama and she’s the first person we thought of when we decided to do a crochet project for Denver Craft Ninjas!

Kelli has helped us to come up with a great SIMPLE project that will give newbies a chance to learn some of the basics of crochet.
Hopefully, Ninjas will walk away with the fundamentals and a new project to keep working on throughout the winter.

The project is a SEA PENNY and will give you the tools to create several little round crocheted pieces that can ultimately connect to make a scarf or, if you’re ambitious, an afghan!

You’ll learn how to hold a crochet hook and learn how to do slip stitches, slip knots, chains, double crochet, whip stitches, and how to weave in your ends.

And with the skills you’ll gain in this project, you’ll be ready to move on and crochet a hat!

The cost for this project is $12! 
We’ll provide your own size J crochet hook, yarn, a needle for connecting your sea pennies, and instruction.

We’re using a new registration system to streamline our project sign-up! There are 30 spots for this project!

This project is taking place on February 26th and, as usual, we’ll be at Three Kings Tavern from 1-5 PM!
Please remember to bring something tasty to nibble upon and some dough for cocktails or sodas!

If you have ANY questions, please contact us at DenverCraftNinjas@gmail.com

Let’s crochet, NINJAS!

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Filed under Monthly Project

Denver Craft Ninjas Crafty Christmas Shopping Guide

We all know that it’s better to shop local…well, that is unless your mom, like mine, asks for a new coffee maker.
Where are all the local handmade coffee maker makers!?

So, I decided to compile a list of local crafters that I think rule the school!
Some of these folks are regular Ninjas and contribute to our group with their smiles and expertise – we’re lucky to have them!

Also, I’ll be linking some local shops where you can pick up materials for making your own handmade gifts OR buy stuff for your favorite crafter!

First, check out Amber Powell from Crazy Mae’s! Not only is she a seasoned Denver Craft Ninja, but she’s a fantastic vegan baker.
This season, she’s packaged up her favorite flavors of vegan cupcakes and she’s selling them via her Etsy shop. Um, lavender cupcake mix?! You gotta try it!
If you’d rather Amber do all the baking for you…hit her up! She does great event baking and will blow your mind with just how delish vegan can be! Continue reading


Filed under Craftin' Around Town